Welcome, Partner!

How It Works

Curious as to how we intend to maximize your 

commission? Check out the strategy below!
LI BG Imags - 2021-11-23T135941.799

Side Hustle Success Challenge (SHS) Basics

  • 5 days of LIVE, in-depth side hustle training from Travis Sherry

  • ​LIVE sessions via FB Live and Zoom 

  • ​Spontaneous giveaways to reward action-takers

  • ​Option to purchase challenge workbook + lifetime access to training replays

Lifestyle Launch Academy (LLA) Basics

  • Premium course + community + coaching

  • ​Lifetime access to course materials

  • ​3 months FREE membership to LI community

  • ​​5 hours 1:1 coaching with a Lifestyle Launch mentor

  • ​Invite to private "students only" group within LI community 

Your Important Dates

SAVE the dates below on your calendar!

Challenge Enrollment Period:

June 7th - June 15th, 2021 

Challenge Begins:

Monday, June 14th, 2021 

LLA Enrollment Opens:

Friday, June 18th, 2021

Suggested Promo Schedule:

Pre-Challenge Teasers (Build Excitement)

  • June 1st - June 6th

Promote SHS Challenge Sales Page

  • June 7th - June 15th

⏰ This launch ENDS Friday, June 25th.

Challenge Sales Funnel

You Earn $1,000 for Every LLA Signup!


Front End Product


Front End Upsell
(Replays + Workbook)


Lifestyle Launch Academy

Affiliate Payout Information

Affiliate payouts will take place by Friday, September 24th, 2021*. We'll do everything we can to pay you out as soon as possible after the first 30 days post-sale.

*Important tax information (MUST DO to get paid!) 

>>> Any affiliates who pay taxes in the United States will have to send us a completed W9 tax form. If you need to fill one out you can download it here.
>>> Any affiliate who is NOT a U.S. Citizen or is exempt from paying taxes in the United States must submit a W-8BEN along with a signed a statement that you will not and did not perform any services in the U.S.

To learn more and download the W-8BEN click here.

Send your completed tax form to kristin@gradientaccounting.com with the subject line "[Location Indie] SHS Affiliate Tax Documents" .

How to Get Your Affiliate Link

Instructions for Creating Your Affiliate Account

  • Please CLICK HERE to sign up for an Affiliate Account for this launch.

  • ​You will be re-directed to this page once you have completed step 1.

Instructions for Getting Your Affiliate Link

  • Once you have created your Affiliate Account, you will receive email instructions allowing you to create a password for your Affiliate Dashboard.

  • ​Please Bookmark the link provided in your email address.

  • ​Your personal affiliate link will be displayed at the top of your Affiliate Dashboard, highlighted in a light blue box.

"We Look Forward to Working With You!"

2,555 Days Later (38)

- Jason, Trav and the entire Location Indie Team

📧 team@locationindie.com

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