How It Works
Curious as to how we intend to maximize your

Side Hustle Success Challenge (SHS) Basics
5 days of LIVE, in-depth side hustle training from Travis Sherry
LIVE sessions via FB Live and Zoom
Spontaneous giveaways to reward action-takers
Option to purchase challenge workbook + lifetime access to training replays
Lifestyle Launch Academy (LLA) Basics
Premium course + community + coaching
Lifetime access to course materials
3 months FREE membership to LI community
12 weeks of small-group coaching with Trav
Invite to private "students only" group within LI community
Your Important Dates
SAVE the dates below on your calendar!
Challenge Enrollment Period:
Sept. 12th - Sept. 20th, 2022
Challenge Begins:
Monday, September 19, 2022
LLA Enrollment Period:
September 23-28, 2022
Suggested Promo Schedule:
Pre-Challenge Teasers (Build Excitement)
September 6 - 11th
Promote SHS Challenge Sales Page
September 12 - 20th
⏰ This launch ENDS Wednesday, September 28th.
Challenge Sales Funnel
You Earn $1,000 for Every LLA Signup!
Front End Product
Front End Upsell(Replays + Workbook)
Lifestyle Launch Academy
Affiliate Payout Information
Affiliate payouts will take place by Wednesday, January 4th, 2023*. We'll do everything we can to pay you out as soon as possible after the first 90 days post-sale (to allow for our 90-day refund period).
How to Get Your Affiliate Link
Instructions for Creating Your Affiliate Account
You will be re-directed to this page once you have completed step 1.
Instructions for Getting Your Affiliate Link
Once you have created your Affiliate Account, you will receive email instructions allowing you to create a password for your Affiliate Dashboard.
Please Bookmark the link provided in your email address.
Your personal affiliate link will be displayed at the top of your Affiliate Dashboard, highlighted in a light blue box.
IMPORTANT: Please fill this out so we can keep in touch with you about this challenge and help you maximize your earnings!
"We Look Forward to Working With You!"

- Trav and the entire Location Indie Team